Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Best Seat In The House

The Best Seat In The House is a CP Animated short that is the second episode. Shorts are played in Disney commercials sometimes, thereby increasing the number of people playing CP. It is about the Aqua Penguin, appearing in NWASS (Never Wake A Sleeping Sensei). It is about not able to find the perfect seat, and he switches. First, he gets one seat. Then a penguin with a tall hat and puffles on his head block his view and he moves one seat to the right of the penguin's view. Then the penguin to the right of the AP (Aqua Penguin) texts a friend and calls, but it is unknown why since in most theaters, electronic devices are not supposed to be on and talking is prohibited and is allowed only to a small degree. Then he moves to the seat behind him, and the penguin next to him eats pizza and farts. Then the AP moves down, and Jet Pack Guy asks the penguin to take care of his jet pack when he gets refreshments, later, what is to be revealed as popcorn. The penguin accidentally activates it and it flies through the ceiling, leaving black material on the seat. He think he will get caught and moves away. The penguin with the tall hat dropped his puffles off and the AP (Aqua Penguin) gives popcorn since he thinks they want it. Then the puffles eat all of his popcorn, and he moves. Then two ninjas appear next to him, from the NWASS and have soda and popcorn Card-Jitsu. The AP moves down. Herbert appears behind him and shakes off snow. Every penguin except for the AP retaliates and throws the snow back, but the AP tosses it and breaks the fourth wall by tossing it on the screen.

Trivia and Loopholes:

  • Rockhopper is in the video, but he should be on Rockhopper Island.
  • Klutzy doesn't attack.
  • The Stage is showing a movie, though it is unknown why it isn't showing a play. Also, there is no refreshment stand unless the tickets stand serves this, though this is only quite likely.
  • The mascots, Jet Pack Guy, Rockhopper, and the famous penguins don't get attention. This is probably because the penguins have met them. However, this is unlikely.
  • Nobody noticed the jet pack went through the ceiling even though it must be loud.
  • When Jet Pack Guy came back, his jet pack floated by itself.
  • Herbert did not attack Jet Pack Guy, even though JPG (Jet Pack Guy) was an EPF Agent.
  • Herbert was blocking a penguin's view but he (most likely a he) didn't move.
  • The penguins don't look surprised when Herbert enters.
  • In most theaters, electronics are usually set on vibrate or turned off. However, a penguin used a phone.
  • In nearly all theaters, people are not allowed to talk and it's allowed to a small degree. However, the ninjas violate this by fighting.
  • In most theaters, people are not allowed to bring pets. The penguin brought puffles inside.
  • It is unknown why the Aqua Penguin wiped the snow off later and did not retaliate–however, that was probably CP's plan.

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